These 7 self care ideas for when you’re feeling tired and overwhelmed can help rejuvenate you mentally and give you that much needed mood boost.

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed?

You’re definitely not alone.

Imagine after a long week, you actually take the time to do a little something for yourself.

For so many of us, taking the time to take care of ourselves can be difficult. We often spend all our time taking care of others, working, and tending to the household among many other things. It feels like there is never enough time. And when you do have a minute to yourself, you don’t feel like doing anything. So things like self care become a second thought or not a thought at all.

But what if I told you that self care is essential to getting through those busy, tiring, and overwhelming times.

It’s the ultimate gift to give to yourself and others. A relaxed and calm mind often makes us more productive and effective. So it’s not something that should be neglected.

Self care is giving the world the best of you, not what’s left of you.” -Katie Reed

7 Self Care Ideas For When You’re Feeling Tired And Overwhelmed

1. Self Care Movie Night (PJ’s Required!)

I don’t mean to brag, but I am a certified expert in cozy movie nights!

This is one of my favorite self care activities to do. It’s something you can do alone or with friends and family. It’ll be a relaxing evening in your PJ’s watching a movie and eating your favorite snacks.

Tip: Pick the movie and snacks before hand. Trust me, with all the movie and snack options, you’ll spend way more time searching than you intended. You want to savior every moment of your self care night so a bit of planning will definitely make things easier.

2. Hiking Targets Many Aspects Of Self Care

Hiking is a great self care practice that can help rejuvenate you mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Hiking can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. On your hike, you can practice mindfulness and really embrace the nature around you. This can help rest your mind from things that maybe going on in your life.

Tip: If hiking isn’t your thing, try taking a walk through your neighborhood or nature trail.

3. Your Lunch Break Is A Good Time For Self Care At Work

Wanna know a secret?

I always took my lunch break in my car. I would grab my lunch, sit in my car and listen to my current audiobook.

Many people tend to go to lunch with coworkers. While there isn’t anything wrong with this, I find this time often becomes an extension of time spent talking about work issues or life in general.

Think of your lunch as a mid day rejuvenation. The alone time to eat or do whatever you want can help you get through a tough day.

The purpose is to get away from those things for a moment. Even if you don’t do this everyday, try for a few times a week.

4. Create A Reading List And Get Lost In The Story (audiobooks welcome!)

Ok, strange fact about me: I absolutely love libraries. I actually go to the library and hangout and look through books sometimes when I’m board. Yes, I’m a nerd!

Now with the embarrassing stuff aside, creating reading lists is one of my favorite monthly things to do.

The thing I love about books is that you can get lost in the story. When you become so invested in a book, your mind gets focused on the storyline. A good book can really take you away for a moment.

Tip: If you’re not, try an audiobook. This has been my favorite way to consume books the last few years. I listen while I’m driving, cleaning, and at my desk working. It’s the perfect little distraction when you need it.

5. Declutter, Donate, And Enjoy A Clutter Free Space

You may be thinking that decluttering isn’t a relaxing thing to do. But I do think it’s a form of self care we all need to do a few times of year. 

Clearing our space of things you don’t need and no longer use can help with mental stress and clarity. You’ll be able to find the things you do need and use easier.

It may take a bit of work but the reward will definitely help with feeling more comfortable and relaxed in your space.

6. Lunch With A Relative Or Friend Is A Great Time To Reminisce

If you have a friend or family member you have seen in a while, call them up and have a little lunch meeting.

The key to this is to start conversations related to old memories and things you and that person share and connect with. Try not to use this time to continue conversation about things like work drama or some of the stresses you’re dealing with. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about those things at some point, but when meeting up for lunch, use this time to fill your mind and heart with something that makes you feel good.

7. A Brain Dump Can Be The Mental Self Care Needed To Clear Your Head

Brain dumps are my all time favorite things to do when my mind gets overwhelmed and tired. It’s actually a journaling technique I started a few years back.

I like a lot of people struggle with racing thoughts. And I find that these thought are often connected to some subconscious thing I maybe avoid or afraid of.

I take a piece of paper and write everything down. It doesn’t have to be neat or complete sentences. This just helps clear your mind and get your thoughts out of your head and on paper.

Tip: If you go back and read what you wrote, you may see common themes in what you’ve written. This could be a clue to something that’s bothering you.

7 Self Care Ideas For When You’re Feeling Tired And Overwhelmed

Those are my 7 self care ideas for when you’re feeling tired and overwhelmed. I really hope you consider trying one or a few of them to help you relax. Remember, self care is essential to getting through overwhelming times. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive. You just need to take some time and allow yourself to be in the moment.